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Compare the Features and Benefits of JP Morgan Reserve Card and
Citi Rewards+®

Detailed Comparison Overview

Key Facts
Annual Fee
Avg. Min. Credit Score
APR on purchases
APR on balance transfers
Ongoing APR
Balance transfers fees
Best Multiplier
Avg. Point Value
(Learn More)
Bonus Offer
Key features
Unique Card Benefits
0% Intro APR on Purchases
0% Intro APR on Balance Transfers
No Fees for Authorized Users
Free Access to Credit Score
Annual Fee
Avg. Min. Credit Score
APR on purchases
APR on balance transfers
Ongoing APR
Balance transfers fees
Best Multiplier
10x Lyft
3x Airfare
3x Transit
3x Car Rentals
3x Dining Out / Food Delivery
3x Hotels
1x Everything Else
Avg. Point Value
(Learn More)
$0.01 - $0.0175
Bonus Offer
We don't know.... But if you qualify, you may not care.
YBCC Card Rate Stars Filled
YBCC Card Rate Stars Empty
(4.75) Our Review

Our ratings are determined by the authors and editors on our team. Each individual card feature is compared against all other cards we offer and the total score is an average of those 4 ratings.


If you are looking for a review of the JP Morgan Reserve card, you’re in the right spot.

However, it may be more elusive than you think….

What is the JP Morgan Reserve card?

Formerly known as the JP Morgan Palladium card, this unbelievably heavy metal credit card is now known as the JP Morgan Reserve card.

In the travel rewards credit card space, this is the equivalent of the famous American Express Black (Centurion) Card.

In nearly every way but the design and rarity, this card is the same as the Chase Sapphire Reserve.

One big difference?

The JP Morgan Reserve card includes an annual United Club membership.  

So in some ways, the JP Morgan Reserve card combined the best features of the Chase Sapphire Reserve and the United Club Infinite Card.

The annual fee is the same as the Sapphire Reserve as well.

How Do You Get a JP Morgan Reserve Card?

This card is available to Chase Private Bank clients, only. That means you will need over 10 Million dollars in assets with Chase.

Now, you may know someone with one of these cards that doesn’t have $10 million with Chase. That would be because when it was the Palladium card, mere Chase Private Client customers could apply. But no longer…

JP Morgan Reserve Benefits:

  • United Club annual membership
  • Primary car rental CDW coverage for rental cars.
  • Priority Pass Select airport lounge access is included for the cardholder and up to two guests. This means that every time you visit a Priority Pass airport lounge, the cost of entry is included.  More info on Priority Pass.
  • $100 credit for enrollment in Global Entry or PreCheck once every 5 years.
  • $300 travel credit each year, credited automatically, as you spend on any travel.
  • No foreign transaction fees.
  • Pay Yourself Back (when available; categories subject to change)

how to get a jp morgan reserve card


JP Morgan Reserve  / Lyft Benefits

  • Earn 10X Ultimate Rewards points on Lyft rides through March 2025
  • Get a one-time complimentary Lyft Pink subscription (15% Lyft discounts, free bike/scooter rentals each month, and better cancellation rules) for 2 years if you activate by Dec 2024.

DoorDash Benefits

  • Complimentary DashPass from DoorDash: You and your authorized user(s) will receive at least 12 months of complimentary DashPass for use on both the DoorDash and Caviar applications during the same membership period based on the first activation date, when the membership is activated with a J.P. Morgan Reserve card by 12/31/2024.
  • Earn $5 monthly DoorDash Credits through 12/31/2024

Can you Product Change from a Chase Sapphire Reserve to a J.P. Morgan Reserve?

No. sorry.

The Bottom Line on the JP Morgan Reserve

If you are reading this, the odds are that you can’t get a JP Morgan Reserve card. If you do have the $10 million in assets with Chase, just give your Private Banker a call!

Otherwise, you may need to look at applying for the Chase Sapphire Reserve instead…   for now.

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Unique Card Benefits
0% Intro APR on Purchases
0% Intro APR on Balance Transfers
No Fees for Authorized Users
Free Access to Credit Score
Annual Fee
Avg. Min. Credit Score
APR on purchases
0% Intro APR (on purchases for 15 months, 17.74%-27.74% thereafter)
APR on balance transfers
0% Intro APR (on balance transfers for 15 months, 17.74%-27.74% thereafter)
Ongoing APR
17.74%-27.74% (Variable)
Balance transfers fees
There is an intro balance transfer fee of 3% of each transfer (minimum $5) completed within the first 4 months of account opening. After that, your fee will be 5% of each transfer (minimum $5)
Best Multiplier
2x Gas Stations
2x Groceries
1x Everything Else
Avg. Point Value
(Learn More)
$0.01 - $0.016
Bonus Offer

Earn 20,000 bonus points after you spend $1,500 in purchases with your card within 3 months of account opening; redeemable for $200 in gift cards at

YBCC Card Rate Stars Filled
YBCC Card Rate Stars Empty
(3.43) Our Review

Our ratings are determined by the authors and editors on our team. Each individual card feature is compared against all other cards we offer and the total score is an average of those 4 ratings.


The Citi Rewards+ card comes with no annual fee but offers a unique value proposition among the sea of rewards credit cards on the market. In fact, it’s the only credit card to automatically round up to the nearest 10 points on all purchases made with the card. This can be vastly beneficial for small purchases you make on the card, as you’ll get to supercharge your ThankYou points® earning ability with the Citi Rewards+.

The card’s only bonus categories are gas stations and grocery stores, which will be useful for most households. You’ll earn 2x points on the first $6,000 spent every year in these categories combined, which breaks down to roughly $500 in monthly spend. If you exceed this spending cap, you’ll only earn 1x points per $1 spent.


Redeeming your ThankYou points is easy through your online Citi account, where you’ll get the best redemption value from travel or gift cards at 1 cent per point. While other rewards like “Shop with Points” or redeeming for a statement credit may be enticing, these redemption options present a poor value at just 0.8 cents and 0.5 cents, respectively. (Note: When we value the “minimum” redemption value of this card in our calculator at 1 cent per point, we are assuming you will take the maximum redemption option of gift cards.)

No matter how you redeem your points, you’ll get to earn 10% of all the points you redeem every year — up to the first 100,000 points annually. That’s a nice little boost to your ThankYou points balance.

Not only is the Citi Rewards+ a good choice for everyday purchases, but it also makes for a great supplementary card to any other Citi rewards cards you may have in your wallet since you can pool your points together.

If you already have the Citi Premier, a popular travel rewards card, you’ll earn 3x points on restaurants, supermarkets and gas stations, air travel and hotels, and 1x point on all other purchases. That’s where the Citi Rewards+ comes in: you can use the card for small purchases or non-bonus categories to take advantage of that favorable 10% automatic round-up feature.

Plus, if you also have a Citi Premier, you can cash out all of your Citi ThankYou points for 1 cent each or transfer them to ThankYou airline and hotel transfer partners.

(Please note: Without also holding a Citi Premier or Citi Prestige card, you will not be able to transfer these points to Citi’s ThankYou® airline and hotel transfer partners.)

Finally, you’ll have peace-of-mind with important coverages like purchase protection and extended warranty that can come in handy when your eligible card purchases are damaged or stolen.

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Unique Card Benefits
0% Intro APR on Purchases
0% Intro APR on Balance Transfers
No Fees for Authorized Users
Free Access to Credit Score

Learn more about these cards today

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