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up to 15%
Expired on November 30, 2024
Bonus % is targeted - 0%, 10%, or 15%

Get up to a 15% transfer bonus when you transfer American Express Membership Rewards to Cathay Pacific Asia Miles.

This bonus is targeted by account. You may be offered 10% or 15% (or possibly no transfer bonus).

Cathay Pacific Asia Miles are very useful in the right circumstances. They used to “hard expire” regardless of activity, but no longer as you can reset expiration with activity every 18 months.

Best for booking Cathay Pacific metal long haul premium flights which may only be made available to its own members. Also great for booking long haul in a premium cabin with a short connection in a lower class of service which prices the entire trip lower than just the primary premium long haul segment. You can now book AA flights online as well.

I personally love Asia Miles for booking flights to Asia (either to or transiting Japan) as the booking window for Asia Miles is 360 days out which aligns with JAL’s giving you two chances to snag a First or Business Class seat right at the booking window.

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