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Expired on September 30, 2024

Get a 30% transfer bonus when you transfer American Express Membership Rewards to Hilton Honors.

While it’s always hard to recommend speculative transfers, Hilton points have gotten more attractive since integrating SLH hotels into Hilton Honors (See Dave’s recent musing about his thinking on how Hilton points may be becoming more valuable). The integration is already providing exceptional value at properties with rates in the $1,000 – $2,000 a night range for, on average, 120,000 points a night. So, it appears his musing has become a reality.

And as long as you have at least the lowest tier Hilton status, the 5th night is free on any award and resort fees are also waived on award stays.

We value an Amex point at 1.7 cents and a Hilton point at 0.5 cents and while those values are an average, with a 5th night free award you can definitely do well transferring 1,000 Amex points for 2,800 Hilton Honors points.

Our advice is to run some sample searches for potential redemptions to see the value you’re likely to get before transferring.

For context on the size of this bonus, since 2022 Amex has had 5 transfer bonuses to Amex. A 40% one for Platinum Card holders only early this year and the other 4 were 30%, 25%, 30% and 30%. So this is in line with a standard offer that Amex offers 2 to 3 times a year.

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