Never miss a transfer bonus again! When credit card companies offer bonus points or miles to transfer during a specified timeframe, you are getting outsized value. But it's so easy to miss when they are happening!
Avianca Lifemiles runs VERY frequent transfer bonuses. Want to see a history? Here’s the last NINETEEN transfer bonuses to Avianca Lifemiles since mid-2022. They generally range from 10% to 25%.
Avianca is a Star Alliance partner that does not pass along fuel surcharges, however:
Keep in mind that Avianca just devalued their program.
Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program.
All Bilt members will receive a 50% transfer bonus on September 1, 2024 when they transfer their Bilt points to Avianca LifeMiles. Bilt points can be converted in increments of 1,000.
Avianca is a Star Alliance partner that does not pass along fuel surcharges, however:
Keep in mind that Avianca just devalued their program.
Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program.
It may take up to 24 hours to get the bonus miles which are being offered by Lifemiles rather than Amex. Exact end time is June 30th, 2024 (11:59 PM GMT-4).
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Europe is 87,000 miles in First or 63,000 miles in Business. As a Star Alliance airline, it can generally book Star Alliance partners, though the site won’t always show all options shown elsewhere.
Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program.
Note that despite the downsides, people have seen an improvement in customer service from Avianca lately.
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program
May take up to 24 hours to get the bonus miles which are being offered by Lifemiles rather than Amex. Exact end time is March 15th, 2023 (11:59 PM GMT-4).
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program
Details at
NOTE: Bonus is awarded by Avianca and therefore may not post with your transfer though initial reports are that it is posting simultaneously.
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program
This bonus os by LifeMiles, so there could be a small delay in receiving the bonus miles.
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program
Note that Lifemiles is the program sponsoring the bonus. All miles will be in your account within 24 hours per Lifemiles.
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program
Notes: Known for the best way to fly First Class to Europe on Lufthansa with no surcharges and other good deals. Also see: Downsides of LifeMiles program