Never miss a transfer bonus again! When credit card companies offer bonus points or miles to transfer during a specified timeframe, you are getting outsized value. But it's so easy to miss when they are happening!
The only way to book nonstop flights from the US to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines. Prices are variable.
You can also redeem with ANA, Korean Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Australia.
Technically JetBlue as well, but it’s a very poor value option.
Don’t forget you’ll pay Amex an excise tax of 60 cents per 1,000 miles transferred up to a max of $99 per transfer. This is done on transfers to US based airlines, only with Amex.
You *might* consider this is a speculative move to parlay Amex points into Alaska MileagePlan miles due to the impending merger however note that the DOJ has extended its review period to even decide if it it will contest the merger and there is plenty after that before it’s a done deal so be aware of the risk that your miles get stuck as HawaiianMiles if the merger fails.
The only way to book nonstop flights from the US to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines. Prices are variable.
You can also redeem with ANA, Korean Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Australia.
Technically JetBlue as well, but it’s a very poor value option.
The only way to book nonstop flights from the US to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines. Prices are variable.
The only way to book nonstop flights from the US to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines. Prices are variable.