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Expires on October 31, 2024
Active Offer

Get a 30% transfer bonus when you transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards to British Airways Avios.

British Airways Avios used to be best for shorthaul flights on Oneworld carriers but recent changes have killed that. Where a flight from New York to Toronto (under 650 miles) used to be as little as 4,500 miles in years past, it’s now 12,000 miles.

However, you can still transfer these miles over to Qatar Airways Avios where that same flight would be 6,000 miles. And that’s the thing – you can transfer these Avios to any other Avios program airline including Finnair.

Also – outside of the US, BA still prices flights under 650 miles (i.e. SYD-MEL on Qantas) at 6,000 miles in Economy and only 12,500 miles in Business – hello, sweet spot!

BA does have a very favorable lap infant policy – 10% of the miles paid for the adult fare.

Beware their draconian surcharges on long haul awards.

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