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Expired on November 30, 2024

Get a 40% transfer bonus when you transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club.

Get 40% Bonus Virgin Atlantic Flying Club points when you transfer Ultimate Rewards points between 12:00 AM ET on October 15, 2024 and 11:59 PM ET on November 30, 2024. Most point transfers process by the next business day, but may take up to 7 business days.

CAVEAT: Beginning October 30th, 2024, Virgin Flying Club will move to a dynamic pricing for awards. Historically this has never been good news as higher priced times that you would get higher value from awards become more expensive with points. If you are transferring during the first two weeks of this bonus, you have time before the switch. We aren’t 100% sure if the dynamic pricing will apply only to Virgin metal awards or a wider swath of awards.

Virgin Atlantic transfer bonuses are fairly frequent between various programs. See historical transfer bonuses to Virgin Atlantic here. Excluding Bilt’s one-day 100% bonus on Sept 1st, other bonuses this year have been 30%.

Best Uses of Virgin Flying Club points:

Two great uses are domestically on Delta within the US or US-Mexico/Canada and for economy flights to/from Europe that are as few as 12,000 miles each way on partners such as KLM or Delta.

Another great use is on ITA Airways to/from Italy for 75,000 miles in Business Class. Surcharges are low; even FCO to JFK has only $55 in fees. And if you could actually find a Delta One award FROM Europe to the US, it would be just 50,000 points. Availability is a unicorn. Unfortunately, awards TO Europe on Delta now cost more and have $1,000 + surcharges)

The other, well known, ā€œbest useā€ is to book ANA First and Business class awards.

  • First Class to/from Japan from West Coast: 145,000 points Round Trip
  • First Class to/from Japan from East Coast: 170,000 points Round Trip
  • Business Class to/from Japan from West Coast: 105,000 points Round Trip
  • Business Class to/from Japan from East Coast: 120,000 points Round Trip

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