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Expired on October 31, 2024
Promo is run by Qatar - Will not show on Citi site

Get a 25% transfer bonus when you transfer Citi ThankYou to Qatar Airways Avios.

This is on the Qatar website. It’s a 25% bonus plus you earn an extra 10,000 bonus Avios for every 100,000 Avios collected per conversion with participating partners. Citi is the only participating partner in the US.

Remember that Qatar Avios has become competitive and inline with other Avois partners. It’s always worth checking whether one or another Avois partner (i.e. British Airways, Iberia, or Aer Lingus) has a better redemption price since you can freely move between them. You can even connect your British Airways account directly inside Qatar’s website for easy and instant transfer.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Qatar has devalued their own program twice in recent months, first significantly raising the pricing for AA and Alaska awards, then by adding significant new surcharges on long haul premium awards by almost 200%.

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