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delta american express amex reserve boeing 747
By Dave Grossman, April 25, 2024

It’s Back! Delta Reserve Cards Made from Retired 747s

Update: These special Limited Edition cards are no longer available.

Delta Reserve American Express Cards Made from Retired 747s

In 2022, Delta released Delta Reserve and Delta Business Reserve credit cards with a limited-edition Boeing 747 card design made with 25% airplane metal from Delta Ship #6307, which was a retired Delta Boeing 747 that actually flew for Delta.

A lot of people were bummed when Amex ran out of these cards – sooner than expected. Originally people could ask to have existing cards replaced and then, as stock dwindled, they offered it to new Cardmembers only. I just happened to pull the trigger on the Delta Business Reserve during that time (there was also a nice Welcome Bonus offer) and keep the card in my wallet to this day. It was a black, elegant card design.

Today, American Express® and Delta Air Lines® is unveiling the next iteration of the limited-edition Boeing 747 Delta SkyMiles® Reserve Card design.

They tell me there will be twice as many cards produced in 2024 – made from two Delta 747 planes that were retired in 2017.

The new limited-edition Card design has a white glossy finish (exactly the opposite of the original black style and a bit like the Hilton Honors American Express white style) which they say is is inspired by clouds and is available exclusively for Delta SkyMiles® Reserve and Delta SkyMiles® Reserve Business Card Members from now through June 5, 2024, while supplies last.

“We’re bringing back one of our most popular Card designs ever with a new look honoring the ‘Queen of the Skies,” said Jon Gantman, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Cobrand Product Management at American Express. “Given the strong response from customers with our first Card design, we wanted to find another exciting opportunity for aviation enthusiasts and Card Members to have a piece of aviation history in their wallets.”

Here is the personal card:

And here is the business card:

delta amex reserve boeing 747

I have confirmed with American Express that EXISTING cardmembers can call to receive one of these cards and, of course, new cardmembers will be issued them during this time.

In the meantime, if you want one of these, jump on it sooner than later.


Since the welcome bonus offers may change during this drop, we’ll leave those on the pages that those links will take you to.

The Original 2022 Card

For reference, below is the 2022 design:

2022 delta amex reserve card boeing 747

Don’t wait if you want one of these! Again, they didn’t make it to the end date last time.

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