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💳 Subscribe to Bonus Offer Notifications!
By Dave Grossman, May 7, 2024

Transfer Bonus Notifications are LIVE! Read Why You Need Them

You may have seen me “soft launch” this over in the MilesTalk Facebook group or on Instagram, but we hadn’t fullylaunched this new feature. Now we have and I want to make sure you know about it 🙂

Most of you are aware of what a transfer bonus is. For example, transfer American Express Membership Rewards to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club and get a 30% bonus until a certain date.

We all love these and we all want to make sure we never miss one. After all, the banks very rarely actually notify you about a transfer bonus. You just have to login and notice it (or notice a post on your favorite blog like MilesTalk).

For example, with the Amex to Virgin transfer bonus, you could book ANA First Class for 56,000 – 66,000 Amex points instead of 72,500 – 85,000 points without a bonus. They truly stretch your points!

Here’s the info you’ll find right on the current transfer bonuses page. (It’s worth bookmarking!)

credit card transfer bonusescredit card transfer bonus alerts

But what if you don’t know one is going on? What if you transfer your Citi points to Virgin not realizing you could have gotten the 30% bonus? Or what if you just happen to search for a transfer bonus only to find out it just expired?!

That will never happen again.

Now at Your Best Credit Cards, we have not just an up to date and gorgeous list of all credit card transfer bonuses(including historical so you can search past bonuses), but we also have very specific notifications that you can receive with a free Your Best Credit Cards account (which you can create in 5 seconds using your Google or Facebook account).

You can opt to be notified when there is a new transfer bonus available as well as when it is expiring in 7 days and/or 2 days.

No excuses for missing them now!

You can also choose which issuers you care about notifications from so unlike having to parse a blog for the transfer bonuses you care about, you can select just those for which you have a card (and update them at any time). Just click the huge button that says Subscribe to Transfer Bonus Notifications at the top of the Transfer Bonus page.

We currently support:

  • American Express Membership Rewards
  • Chase Ultimate Rewards
  • Citi ThankYou
  • Capital One Miles

(Note: We are awaiting approval from Wells Fargo to include Bilt Rewards here)

transfer bonus notifications amex, chase, citi, capital one

The email you receive will compile any and all transfer bonuses from issuers to which you are subscribed in a single day to keep your inbox as clean as possible. All the information you need will also be in the email. No gimmicks to force you to the website 😉

As always, any and all feedback about Your Best Credit Cards is welcome as we keep trying to make it more and more of a resource for everything credit card.

Check out all current offers and subscribe to Transfer Bonus Notifications now before you forget and miss one 😉

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